Missing for almost 40 years the Mouse-tailed dormouse (Myomimus roachi Bate 1937) was rediscovered in 2017 when during a routine field survey a single specimen was caught. In the following…
Considering mammals, Montenegro is one of the least studied countries in Europe. The NGO Wildlife Montenegro is working hard to change this. In 2020, despite Corona challenges the Wildlife Montenegro…
The Audiomoth is a simple and cheap audio-recording device for recording birdsongs and sounds of insects, amphibians, and bats. The device runs a few weeks on three AA batteries. It…
Wildlife Montenegro received 50 Longworth live traps from the Dutch Mammal Society for their research on the distribution of small mammals in Montenegro. Situated in the Balkan, Montenegro hosts a…
The European Mammal Foundation, which underpins the EMMA2 project to prepare a second edition of the Atlas of European Mammals, has a small grants scheme to support data collection and…
For more than 35 years Holohil provides state-of-the-art radio-tracking equipment to wildlife researchers. Recently, the company donated 10 transmitters to the Mouse-tailed dormouse project in Bulgaria.
The Dutch Mammal Society donated 50 Longworth live traps to mammal researchers in North Macedonia. A small questionnaire among mammal workers (organisations and individuals) in Eastern Europe in 2016 revealed…
Last summer, during fieldwork in SE Bulgaria, 30 Mouse-tailed dormice were caught in live traps. Quite a lot for a species that was thought to be almost extinct in Bulgaria.…
While analysing the content of owl pellets from the district of Evros (Greece) researchers stumbled upon a very rare species: Myomimus roachi or the Mouse-tailed dormouse. The first recording of…