The Habitat Foundation is setting up a platform to collate the knowledge about mustelids on the Balkan peninsula. The platform will be the place where researchers, ecologists, volunteers and enthusiasts…
The European Mammal Foundation has launched its long term and large-scale project, European Mammals on Maps (EMMA2), and calls for donations and sponsors to help reach its goals. The objectives…
Last summer, during fieldwork in SE Bulgaria, 30 Mouse-tailed dormice were caught in live traps. Quite a lot for a species that was thought to be almost extinct in Bulgaria.…
The new nest boxes were just placed and the first Mouse-tailed dormouse was already found in one of them. A few days later three more animals were found in the…
The People’s Trust for Endangered Species lives up to its name. It sponsors one of Europe’s most endangered mammal species, the Mouse-tailed dormouse (Myomimus roachi).
On 10-12 May 2018 28 representatives of nature research and conservation institutes came together in Bankya, Bulgaria to talk about the conservation of mammals on the Balkans. They represented 8 countries…
The Mouse-tailed dormouse (Myomimus roachi) is one of the five dormouse species in Europe. It is probably one of the rarest rodent species in the Western Palearctic and it is…
EMMA2 aims at revealing the distribution of 264 mammal species in an area of 11.59 million km2, from the Atlantic coast in the West to the Ural mountains in the…
In May 2018 representatives of mammal research and conservation organisations from 10 Balkan countries will gather in Sofia, Bulgaria, to discuss possibilities to give mammal conservation in Southeastern Europe a…
In April 2018 the National coordinators, Topic coordinators and the Steering group of the second European Mammal Atlas will come together in Prague to share information about the progress of…