International Bat Night

This will be the 22nd year that nature conservation agencies and NGOs from across Europe organise the International Bat Night. Don’t miss it. This is your chance to see bats…

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Balkan Mammal Network

Photo: Dennis Wansink

On 10-12 May 2018 28 representatives of nature research and conservation institutes came together in Bankya, Bulgaria to talk about the conservation of mammals on the Balkans. They represented 8 countries…

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2nd Jackal Symposium

2nd Jackal Symposium

From 31st of October to 2nd of November 2018 the Second International Symposium on jackals and related species will be held in Marathon Bay – Attica, Greece. The aim of…

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Citizen science goes East

Female Red deer (Cervus elaphus) (Photo: Yves Adams / Vilda)

In May 2018 representatives of mammal research and conservation organisations from 10 Balkan countries will gather in Sofia, Bulgaria, to discuss possibilities to give mammal conservation in Southeastern Europe a…

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Mammal Diversity Database

Eurasian pygmy shrew (Sorex minutus) (Photo: Rollin Verlinde / Vilda)

It appears that the number of currently recognized mammal species in the world increased from 5,416 to 6,495 species in the past 13 years! These are the findings of the…

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