Wind farms are being built all over Europe to provide us with energy in the future when fossil fuels run out. However, those wind farms can cause collisions among bats,…
Red Lists are essential tools for the active and efficient management of species and habitats. In the last revision of the Red Book of Vertebrates of Continental Portugal (2005), 28…
The Irish National Parks and Wildlife Service, in the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage supports the research on Roach’s mouse-tailed dormouse (Myomimus roachi). In 2017 we started a…
In Montenegro, the Wildlife Montenegro team is currently working on a variety of projects. One of these projects is about active participation in the network of Natura 2000 areas, financed…
You are invited to take part in the XIth International Dormouse Conference 2022 in Svilengrad, Bulgaria. The conference will take place from May 9th till 13th, 2022. For more info…
As part of the project ‘Mobilisation of biodiversity data from Ukraine to GBIF‘ of The Habitat Foundation and others more than 5,000 recordings of mammals in Ukraine from the years…
Missing for almost 40 years the Mouse-tailed dormouse (Myomimus roachi Bate 1937) was rediscovered in 2017 when during a routine field survey a single specimen was caught. In the following…
Considering mammals, Montenegro is one of the least studied countries in Europe. The NGO Wildlife Montenegro is working hard to change this. In 2020, despite Corona challenges the Wildlife Montenegro…
The Audiomoth is a simple and cheap audio-recording device for recording birdsongs and sounds of insects, amphibians, and bats. The device runs a few weeks on three AA batteries. It…