The Habitat Foundation supports nature researchers and conservationists in Eastern Europe. The support can be simple but nevertheless important. Recently, a telescope was donated to the NGO Wildlife Montenegro.
Wildlife Montenegro is a young organisation established by a group of volunteers. The goal of the organisation is to collect information about the distribution and status of wildlife species in Montenegro and to use this information for conservation purposes. Currently, their focus is on mammals. They systematically survey every UTM square for mammal species (see for example ‘87 mammals species in Montenegro‘). Besides national use, the data are used for the update of the Atlas of European mammals.
One of the species Wildlife Montenegro doesn’t know much about yet is the chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra). The chamois is a relatively shy species. If you see them they are very far away. To get a better understanding of their distribution and numbers, Wildlife Montenegro needed a telescope. Coincidentally, The Habitat Foundation recently received a telescope as a gift. During the summer camp of the Dutch Mammal Society in Montenegro last month, the telescope was handed over to the Wildlife Montenegro team. You can’t imagine how happy they were. They are very grateful to the donor, Michel Cooijmans.
If you also have any instruments or devices that you don’t use anymore but are still working properly, please donate them to organisations like Wildlife Montenegro. Anything from bat detectors, binoculars, live traps, nets etcetera, is welcome. Contact The Habitat Foundation at info@thehabitatfoundation.org.
See also: