87 Mammal species in Montenegro

Alpine long-eared bat (Plecotus macrobullaris) (Photo: Wildlife Montenegro)

Considering mammals, Montenegro is one of the least studied countries in Europe. The NGO Wildlife Montenegro is working hard to change this. In 2020, despite Corona challenges the Wildlife Montenegro…

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Mustelids in the Balkans

The Habitat Foundation is setting up a platform to collate the knowledge about mustelids on the Balkan peninsula. The platform will be the place where researchers, ecologists, volunteers and enthusiasts…

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A new species for the Greek fauna

Myomimus roachi skull (Photo: Nikolaos Kiamos)

While analysing the content of owl pellets from the district of Evros (Greece) researchers stumbled upon a very rare species: Myomimus roachi or the Mouse-tailed dormouse. The first recording of…

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