Atlas bats of Albania

Bats of Albania_Cover photo (Photo: Hugh Clark)

Albania published a Bat Atlas. For each of the 32 species, it shows maps with distribution data collected until November 2016. The maps have been built upon the division of…

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Books for data


In Ukraine more than 120 mammal species are resident, but no one has an overal view of their distribution, let alone know how their populations are doing. The information is…

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Small Mammal Camp in Ukraine 2019

Lesser mole-rat (Nannospalax leucodon) (Rollin Verlinde / Vilda)

The European Mammal Foundation initiated the revision of the Atlas of European Mammals. For this second atlas the area covered is expanded into countries where hardly any information about the…

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Citizen science and road ecology

A victim of Wildlife Vehicle Collision (Photo: Dennis Wansink)

Habitat loss and fragmentation are the most important threats for the terrestrial mammal populations in Europe. Expansion of transport infrastructure is one of the causes of habitat fragmentation, next to…

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Mammals of Dobrudja, Romania

Lesser mole-rat (Spalax leucodon) (Photo: Rollin Verlinde / Vilda)

At least forty-two species of mammals where registered during a survey in the Danube delta and the steppe area south of the delta. Among others were Wild cat, Southern vole,…

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