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Batloggers for Wildlife Montenegro

Montenegro (Photo: Wauter Ralph Kolk)

The Habitat Foundation supports nature researchers and conservationists in Eastern Europe. The support can be simple but nevertheless important. One of the organisations supported is NGO Wildlife Montenegro. Currently, Wildlife…

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EU Nature Restoration Law

Otter (Lutra lutra) (Photo: Dennis Wansink)

Mammal Conservation Europe reacted to the proposal for a Nature Restoration Law adopted by the European Commission. This new proposal addresses damaged ecosystems, improving food security and tackling the biodiversity…

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Telescope for Wildlife Montenegro

Chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) (Photo: Yves Adams / Vilda)

The Habitat Foundation supports nature researchers and conservationists in Eastern Europe. The support can be simple but nevertheless important. Recently, a telescope was donated to the NGO Wildlife Montenegro. Wildlife…

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11th International Dormice Conference

Every three years, scientists, conservationists, naturalists and volunteers gather to exchange knowledge and experience on dormice (Gliridae). In 2022, The Habitat Foundation, together with the National Museum of Natural History…

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IDC 2022 begins

Roach's Mouse-tailed Dormouse (Myomimus roachi) (Photo: Rollin Verlinde / Vilda)

The 11th International Dormice Conference starts today. This time the conference takes place in the southeast of Bulgaria, in the realm of Roach’s Mouse-tailed Dormouse (Myomimus roachi). Nedko Nedyalkov of…

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