In 2022, the 11th International Dormouse Conference (IDC) took place in Svilengrad, Bulgaria, in the centre of the realm of Roach’s mouse-tailed dormouse (Myomimus roachi). About 100 people attended the…
After more than two years of intensive work aimed at studying the distribution and biology of the endangered Romanian hamster, scientists from the Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research at…
Recently, the revised Portuguese Mammal Red Data Book (2023) documented the evaluation of 16 new species in the country, belonging to four taxonomic groups: Eulipotyphla (1), Chiroptera (4), Rodentia (2)…
For the second year in a row, wildfires destroyed habitat of Roach’s Mouse-tailed Dormouse in Bulgaria. It happened in 2023 also, and the effect was devastating. Nedko Nedyalkov, who has…
Little is known about the mammals of Kosovo. In October 2023 four members of the Dutch Youth Nature Club spent a week in Kosovo searching for (small) mammals and bats.…
Wildfires threatened the only existing population of Roach’s mouse-tailed dormouse in Bulgaria this summer. Action is needed to save this dormouse for Europe’s fauna.
The garden dormouse is losing terrain in Europe. Since 1978 it disappeared from half of its range. Mammal Conservation Europe started a Europe-wide initiative to stop the decline. The garden…
Since its rediscovery in 2017, The Habitat Foundation supports the research and conservation of Roach’s Mouse-tailed dormouse (Myomimus roachi) in Bulgaria. In the area where the dormouse was found, we…
Every three years, scientists, conservationists, naturalists and volunteers gather to exchange knowledge and experience on dormice (Gliridae). In 2022, The Habitat Foundation, together with the National Museum of Natural History…
The 11th International Dormice Conference starts today. This time the conference takes place in the southeast of Bulgaria, in the realm of Roach’s Mouse-tailed Dormouse (Myomimus roachi). Nedko Nedyalkov of…