General information
Number of mammal species: 70 (Click the link to show the species in the CSCF data server)
Number of mammal species per IUCN conservation category:
Near threatened: 7 | Endangered: 2 | Extinct in the wild: 1 | Data deficient: 1 |
Vulnerable: 2 | Critically endangered: 1 | Extinct: 0 |
The Red list of bats of Switzerland can be found here: Liste rouge Chauves-souris (PDF document)
Action plans:
- xxxx
Mammal research and conservation organisations:
- Info fauna – Centre Suisse de Cartographie de la Faune (CSCF)
- KORA (only carnivores)
- Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Wildtierbiologie (SGW)
Current projects
- Projet d’Atlas des mammifères de Suisse et du Liechtenstein
- Monitoring of small mustelid species
Data portal
Seen a mammal in Switzerland? Upload your sighting here: Webfauna or Nos Voisins Sauvages.
Distribution maps
Click map for real time distribution maps of mammals in Switzerland.