
General information

Number of resident mammal species: 122 (Click link to show the list of species on Wikipedia)

Number of mammal species per IUCN conservation category:

Near threatened: 13 Endangered: 3 Extinct in the wild: 0 Data deficient: 12
Vulnerable: 5 Critically endangered: 2 Extinct: 2

The Red list of France can be found here: La liste rouge des espèces menacées en France, Mammifères (PDF document)
Download the underlying document here: La liste rouge des espèces menacées en France, Mammifères (PDF document)

Action plans:

Mammal research and conservation organisations:

Current projects
  • xxx
Data portal

Seen a mammal in France? Upload your sighting here: Faune-France

Distribution maps

Click the maps for real-time distribution maps of mammals in France by INPN and iNaturalist.

Distribution of water vole in France_INPN

Distribution of hedgehog in France_iNaturalist

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