General information
Number of resident mammal species: 66 (Click link to show the list of species on Wikipedia)
Number of mammal species per IUCN conservation category:
Near threatened: 12 | Endangered: 8 | Extinct in the wild: 0 | Data deficient: 5 |
Vulnerable: 11 | Critically endangered: 6 | Extinct: 5 |
The Red list of Flanders can be found here: Rode Lijsten Vlaanderen
Download the underlying document (Red data book) here: De rode lijst van de zoogdieren in Vlaanderen (PDF document)
The Red list of Wallonia can be found here: La biodiversité en Wallonie – Mammifères
Action plans:
- for Common hamster
- for Bats
- for Pine marten
Mammal research and conservation organisations:
- Natuurpunt Zoogdierenwerkgroep
- Natuurpunt Vleermuizenwerkgroep
- Instituut voor Bos- en Natuuronderzoek (INBO)
- Natagora
- Natagora Bruxelles
Current projects
Data portal
Seen a mammal in Belgium? Upload your sighting here:
Distribution maps
Click map for real-time distribution maps of mammals in Belgium.