Rollin Verlinde / Vilda
From 18th to 20th of September 2018 the 8th International Beaver Symposium will be held in Vemb, Denmark. The general topic of the symposium is “Management and Understanding of Beaver Populations”. Beavers currently survive the large-scale recovering process throughout the species range. Status of beaver abundance is very variable from country to country, from region to region. Actively promoted by man, the beaver restoration process has discovered also negative aspects, e.g., extending native range of North American beaver, uncontrolled mixing of different subspecies, illegal and uncontrolled reintroductions, etc.
In addition to biological issues, beavers do influence human interests in many ways. Beaver damages (flooding of agricultural land, undermining of banks, cutting down trees etc.), beaver hunting, legal protection, public responsabilty (compensation, aid, permissions..) are handled quite different in the different countries.
This is why scientists and environmental managers face very different problems concerning restoration or management of beaver populations. IBS is a very useful platform to share knowledge and experience. Nearly 100 of attendees from many countries take this opportunity at every IBS event.
Abstracts of the presentations and posters can be downloaded here: 8th International Beaver Symposium.