Mustelids in the Balkans

The Habitat Foundation is setting up a platform to collate the knowledge about mustelids on the Balkan peninsula. The platform will be the place where researchers, ecologists, volunteers and enthusiasts…

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30 Mouse-tailed dormice!

Mouse-tailed dormouse (Myomimus roachi) in Bulgaria (Photo: Nedko Nedyalkov)

Last summer, during fieldwork in SE Bulgaria, 30 Mouse-tailed dormice were caught in live traps. Quite a lot for a species that was thought to be almost extinct in Bulgaria.…

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A new species for the Greek fauna

Myomimus roachi skull (Photo: Nikolaos Kiamos)

While analysing the content of owl pellets from the district of Evros (Greece) researchers stumbled upon a very rare species: Myomimus roachi or the Mouse-tailed dormouse. The first recording of…

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